Thursday, September 1, 2011


“My Name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die”. If this is the first time that you have ever heard this phrase then you have not fully lived. Go this site and feel the wonderful joy that is watching Inigo say this line: . To fill in those people who haven’t heard of this; it’s a line from a book called The Princess Bride by William Goldman. The book was adapted into an amazing movie that is and will forever be one of my favorites.

*Totally different train of thought*

Alongside reading the Princess Bride I am also reading The Vampire Lestat by Anne Rice. I read the first book in this series in about two days; it was good book to say the least. Unlike recent vampire books, The Vampire Chronicles excludes sparkly vampires *coughstupidcough* and petty romances which makes it quite a relief from the more recent stories (not that I’m biased or anything). I started the book yesterday so I haven’t gotten too far, you since my life doesn’t totally revolve around reading, although it would be nice if did. Ah, the good old days, when school was easy and I could read whenever I wanted. Wait…now I’m getting sidetracked. Back to my original point- Lestat. In the last book I wasn’t much of a Lestat fan, but from what I’ve read I really like him so far. He’s not as much of a pushover as Louis was. Plus I like the way that Rice set up the book; it goes from Lestat in the present day into a book that Lestat is writing. It’s a book within a book. Oh Merlin! It’s INCEPTION! It’s a nice twist, I quite like it.

*New thought (I have a slight lack of attention span)*

I’m finishing up reading John Green’s Paper Towns and I am literally pages away from ending the book and…I’m not sure if I liked the book. Have you ever read a book and gotten to the end and you’re just so ready for the book to end that you don’t even want to read the ending. Well that’s where I’m at right now. I feel like the story has been drug out for so long that it kind of got over emphasized…GRRR…I don’t know how to phrase it properly. This is irritating. I want to end the book, but because I am tired of the book I don’t want to read it. Does that make sense? Now I’m not saying that I don’t like John Green as a writer, I think it’s this certain plot, it’s so un-relatable. Plus there was this point where I was thinking wow, here comes a great plot development and then it crash landed into a big heap of “well that was pointless”. Yeah…anyways I would still recommend the book, maybe it’s just me and I’m over analyzing the whole thing. Oh well, life goes on. John Green is coming out with a new book called The Fault in Our Stars and I am looking forward to seeing what it is actually about. I believe he mentioned that it is from the point of view of a girl, which is new for him. Also, I have yet to know anything about the book- other than the title, obviously- so I am kinda hoping that he branches out a little and trying going for something other than a teen romance. Not that his love stories aren’t interesting or anything. It’s just that a lot of authors now are writing about two things: Vampires or Romance. Which makes sense, those two things sell, but I want to read something with a little more umph. I can’t be too critical of these authors; I have yet to even finish anything that I have written lately. On that note, I bid thee goodnight…or good morning depending on where you live…

1 comment:

  1. I loved both The Princess Bride and Paper Towns. Although, I can't say the same for The Vampire Lestat, as my knowledge on vampire literature is severely lacking.

    Anyways, my personal opinion is the ending to Paper Towns was flawed in the best possible way. Without giving the ending away entirely, I think the ending reflects Margo herself--beautiful but riddled with imperfections.
