Thursday, September 8, 2011

Oedipus and 103

Ok so I think that Lestat has some Oedipus complex or first I thought that Lestat was in love with Nicolas, but now I'm just confused.*SPOILER ALERT* Maybe I read the part wrong, but Lestat started kissing his mom before he turned her into a vampire. Am I the only one who finds that odd? Eh, whatever. I do think that it shows Lestat's deep love for his mother when he turns her. He didn't know what would happen to him if he turned her, but he took a leap of faith and he saved her from a death that she feared. That takes true commitment.

*Random Change of Subject*

Ok so yesterday I mentioned that I have a Life List of Classics. Pretty much it's a list of books that I want to read before I die. Like a bucket list, but in book form. I know that I will keep adding books to the list but at the moment I am up to 103 books. Yeah I really like mah classics. The most popular authors on there include: Verne, Shakespeare, Dickens, Austen and Bronte (all 3). Some of the lesser known authors are....drum roll please...: Ali, Boulle, Burnett, Swift, Plye and Dahl. Looky them up and then you shall be learned. Until tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Cool list, Kira. That can be a lot of pressure, a list like that, but aspiration of it is inspiring!
