Friday, September 30, 2011

Me Books and Things

Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
The Vampire Lestat by Anne Rice
The Boneshaker by Kate Milford

Quotes of Quoteness:

"I GIVE YOU THE THEATER OF THE VAMPIRES! THE THEATER OF THE VAMPIRES! THE GREATEST SPECTACLE OF THE BOULEVARD!" Nicki seems to display such a power, a madness of sorts, that Lestat lacks. Yet, Nicki with his madness creates this frightening idea, a theater for vampires, where they will kill humans, but the humans will love them. It's bizarre. Anne Rice has a slightly twisted mind, in an amazing author sort of way.

"I sud more likker look for th' horse. It 'ud be to more sense. Bud I can look for norther horse nur man of a neeght loike this- as black as t' chimbley! und Heathcliff's noan chap to coom at my whistle- happen he'll be less hard o' hearing wi' ye!" Yeah, I just like this one because of the way it looks and sounds when you say it out loud.

"His face was turned to me, but not by design, his hair a tangle of curls and blood. And with his eyes closed, and his hand open beside him, he appeared the abandoned offspring of time and supernatural accident, someone as miserable as myself." This quote is by far my favorite of this week; Lestat and Armand share a connection- yet to be explained- that allows them to love each other, but hate each other at the same time.

Pages this week: 132
All pages read: 1186

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