Friday, August 26, 2011


The Princess Bride by William Goldman
Paper Towns by John Green

Sentences of Interest:

"IT IS NOT MY FAULT THAT MY PARENTS OWN THE WORLD'S LARGEST COLLECTION OF BLACK SANTAS." Paper Towns There was something so strange about this sentence that I had to reread it 4 or so times before I actually understood what the character was saying...and then I laughed. ALOT. I don't know if it's the idea of owning the world's largest collection of black santas or the context in which the statement was made, but I still find that sentence funny.

"Good night, Westley. Good work. Sleep well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning." The Princess Bride As morbid as this sentence seems it's actually quite funny if you understand the context that it's coming from. The idea that the Dread Pirate Roberts would being willing to not kill someone because of true love is kind of laughable. The pirate who is known to have no mercy is stopped by the thought of true love.

"I am your Prince and you will marry me," Humperdinck said.
Buttercup whispered, "I am your servant and I refuse."
"I am you Prince and you cannot refuse."
"I am your loyal servant and I just did."
"Refusal means death."
"Kill me then." The Princess Bride I am not a fan of love stories. Most of the time I try to avoid them, but this book is the one exception. William Goldman created this book that makes love so wonderful, yet there's action and death and pirates. This section itself kind of represtents Buttercup's love for Westley; she is often displayed as this beautiful, dumb woman, but she has this undying love that seems to make up for the fact that she would have trouble spelling 'box'.

Pages this week: 228
All pages read: 443

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