Sunday, August 21, 2011

John Green

I’ve been reading. I have been reading my whole life; and now is time that I share my over abundance of thoughts about the never ending list of books that I read. So to begin….

Recently I finished reading An Abundance of Katherines by John Green. If you haven’t heard of John Green then prepare to be educated. John Green is the marvelous author of Looking for Alaska, An Abundance of Katherines, Paper Towns, and the yet to be released book The Fault in our Stars. I’ve taken it upon myself to read all of his books. A task that decided to achieve after watching numerous videos made by John Green and his brother Hank Green. If you’re really into YouTube, you might have heard their names mentioned once or twice. They are “vloggers” (people who make video logs of just about anything) that made it big when they only communicated through the videos that they posted online. Ever since then a large amount of people have created a community of sorts, they go by the name nerdfighters. Go to to learn more about them and their many videos.

Now onto the book! An Abundance of Katherines was interestingly funny. Just for some background info: It’s about a prodigy that graduates from high school and then is dumped by his girlfriend; the nineteenth girl that he has dated that had the name “Katherine”. To cure is heartbreak woes he and his friend go on a road trip and end up in a small town that claims to be the burial site of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand. While there he works on a mathematical formula as to why he is always the dumpee and never the dumper. Read the book if you want to know more. Mi opinion on the book: I found the basis of the plot to be interesting, but the book wasn’t much of a challenge to read. The plot was easy to follow, the only part that I found confusing was that there was quite a bit of math involved and I’m not a math extraordinaire. Thankfully Mr. Green helped out the math deficient by explaining ALL of the math, there’s even an appendix that describes how the theorem in the book was created and how it is used. Speaking of the author, he included footnotes that were kind of like his commentary on the book which I thought was awesome. It added some more character to the book in a way. Over all I thought it was a great book that is well work a look into.

Pages read this week: 0
All pages read: 215

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