Thursday, October 20, 2011


Independent reading has consumed my life as far back as I can remember. Some of my fondest memories of my dad reading Harry Potter to me and my sister. Because reading has been so ingrained into my life, reading for a class simply gives me an excuse to read rather than actually doing anything else. Lately, I think the most challenging book that I have read would probably The Vampire Lestat and that's only because of the sheer size of the book, not because it's a particularly hard book to read. As for what time of day I read, I read just about anytime I can. Recently I have been reading quite a bit at night. Also, I've taken up reading on the bus again...not one of my best ideas considering I get carsick, or bus-sick depending on how you look at it. Other than that my reading has been pretty similar to all of the reading that took my life before. Next quarter I hope to read more books than I have so far, maybe some more classics?
Pages this week: 154
All pages read: 1352

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