Thursday, October 6, 2011

Age Changes and Bob Dylan

THE BLOGGER GODS HATE ME! Ok, so maybe that's a little dramatic- but only a little. For some reason Blogger won't let me leave comments on other blogs, which means that I spent quite a long time writing out a comment, that was grammatically correct and everything, and then Blogger wouldn't let me leave it...GRRR!

Moving on...

I've been reminicing about my middle school years and one of the most distinct memories is this song... This song was a large part of my 8th grade year. One of my teachers had me and my class do a project on this song. Let's just say we spent most of our time making fun of the song that anything else. Listening to it now, it's not as bad as I remembered it to be.

Onward to the next topic! I still have no idea what age Armand is, at first I thought he was a little kid and now I don't think so. He told Lestat all about his life with Marius and yeah, I don't think he's a little boy. At least I really hope he isn't, you'll understand if you read the book. Now that I've gotten farther I think that he's probably in his 20's or so and Lestat calls him childish in appearance merely because Armand is younger that Lestat. If so, the a lot of other parts of the book make more sense, at least they do in my mind. But now that he's older in my mind, his whole appearance has changed. It's kind of odd, one page picturing a character as a small kid and on the next page he's 20 years old. Bizarre.

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