Tuesday, October 11, 2011


The Vampire Lesat by Anne Rice
The Boneshaker by Kate Milford

Previous Likable Quotes:

"Don't be a fool for the devil, darling!" The Vampire Lestat Truly I'm not to sure why I particularly like this sentence. Most likely it's because of the image I get in my head of Lestat. I see him surrounded by dozens of filthy, lowly vampires and him in his silk clothing and jewels; I see him yelling at the vampires that choose to worship the devil rather than live an vampire life.

"Good night, Westley. Good work.I'll most likely kill you in the morning." The Princess Bride The book itself doesn't focus on this part of the story too much. But this one sentence kind of sums up what exactly Westley lived through while he was captured by pirates. Of course he knew that the captain wouldn't kill him, but it must have been a little daunting going to sleep knowing that it was quite possible that you would die at the hands of a pirate. I think that if Goldman wanted he could develop a whole story simply around Westley and his time as a pirate.

"...maybe the strings break, or maybe our ships sink, or maybe we're grass- our roots so interdependent that no one is dead as long as someone is still alive." Paper Towns The imagery from this metaphor is extremely striking. John Green yanks at the fundamentals of life and pulls out a quote like this. I'm impressed.

Pages this week: 144
All pages read: 1198

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