Monday, November 14, 2011


Books I've been reading:
Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne

"My uncle will never know it. He'd insist on doing it too. He'd want to know all about it. Nothing could stop him! Such a determined geologist! He'd go, he would, in spite of everything and everybody, and he'd take me with him, and we'd never get back. Never! Never!"

"To hell with dinner! and the one who made prepared it, and those who will eat it!"

"In April, after he had planted seedlings of mignonette and morning glory in the clay pots in his living-room, he would go every morning and tug them by their leaves to accelerate their growth."

All of these quotes come from Journey to the Center of the Earth; I've found that I like this book more than Verne's others, and I think it's because this one actually has some comic relief that goes along with the story line. The first quote is from Axel after he finds out the secret to a hidden message. There is a frantic atmosphere around him after he figures out the message for fear of what his uncle will do. The second is by Dr. Lindenbrock when he is working on the message, he tends to give off a mad scientist vibe...I love it :D The same goes for the third quote, which is again about the Professor.

I've reached the end of the required time for this blog, but I've started like sharing my point of view about books. I've always been a big reader, since about the 1st grade...mostly because that's the age when I learned to read. Etymology class has given me a reason for reading, normally I merely read for fun. Although reading was required, I still enjoyed the freedom of reading what I wanted. I'm actually quite thankful for the class, mostly because when I could have been doing other homework, I read. And when I was asked if I had any homework left, I would simply say "but I am doing homework." I don't know if I've particularly developed better reading skills, however I have read books that I ordinarily would not read. Instead of only reading classics, I expanded my horizons to random books that had nice covers when I went into the library. Also, this was a great way in which I could share my ideas about reading and writing and other such nonsense to the rest of the world. So for now I bid thee goodbye.

Pages this week: 101
All pages read: 409

P.S. Fear not I shall be back.

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