Sunday, November 6, 2011


The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne

Quoteable Quotes:
"Like snails, we were fixed to our shells, and I declare it is easy to lead a snails life."

"Place a beehive on my grave
and let the honey soak through.
When I'm dead and gone,
that's what I want from you.
The streets of heaven are gold and sunny,
but I'll stick with my plot and a pot of honey.
Place a beehive on my grave
and let the honey soak through."

"She marched over to the sweeping woman to get a look at her and discovered it was none other than Mary. Mary smiled at Beatrix, then led her back to her room and gave her back her nun outfit. You see, Lily, all that time Mary had been standing in for her."

The first quote is from Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Professor Aronnax is talking about life on the Nautilus and every time I think of living life like a snail I immediately think of Doctor Doolittle (not the one with Eddie Murphy). At the end of a movie his friends live inside of a giant snail shell, while Dr. Doolittle travels to the moon on a giant moth...ahh such a good movie. The last two are from The Secret Life of Bees, the first is a song that the honey harvesters sing and the second is part of a story that the main character, Lily, is told by the woman whom she is living with. Although the first is kind of morbid I like the peacefullness of it. And the second is simply a good story. I would highly suggest reading the book.

Pages this week: 162
All pages read: 308

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